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health medication

to come and visit cambodia no vaccine is required even if some say you should be vaccinated against hepatitis A and B, Polio and possibly typhoid. if you must go to the very remote when the vaccine against rabies campaign will be very advisable if bitten. in case of small passenger health problems you really have no problem to heal. careful anyway pharmacist may scrupulous not hesitate to give you necessary medication and yes china is close to Cambodia and therefore the temptation is strong to some unscrupulous pharmacist can just look out the boxes of your medication and if possible required medications known brands. before you leave do not hesitate to bring with you efferalgan and also medications against diarrhea, against diarrhea because some people are sensitive to fruit and vegetable or may not necessarily cooked and the radical change in food related to the temperature disrupts their organization. Cambodia is a country where it is best to avoid a serious illness, however some hospitals, although equipped to obsolete equipment remains referents in case of problems such as Calmette Hospital in Phnom Penh, which also offers a emergency poorest. Cambodia is still a large gap in the specialized services of psychiatry and psychology



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