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សាច់អាំងតាមផ្លូវ Battambang

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សាច់អាំងតាមផ្លូវ Restaurant in Battambang, Cambodia is a must visit place to experience traditional Khmer cuisine. This family restaurant is renowned for its tasty and authentic dishes, prepared with fresh and local ingredients.

The restaurant’s specialty is “Amok trey”, an emblematic dish of Khmer cuisine, prepared with fish or chicken meat, steamed in a banana leaf and served with sticky rice. The ingredients are marinated with Khmer spices, which gives the dish a delicious and spicy taste.

In addition to this, the restaurant also offers a variety of Khmer soups, including “Samlor Kako” soup, a spicy fish and vegetable soup, and “Samlor Machu Ktiss” soup, a chicken and vegetable soup. of tamarind. These soups are ideal for warming up on cool Battambang days.

The restaurant is also known for its warm and welcoming atmosphere, with wooden tables and straw mats on the floor. The servers are friendly and helpful, and they’re always ready to share cooking tips with customers.

In summary, if you are looking for an authentic Khmer dining experience in Battambang, សាច់អាំងតាមផ្លូវ restaurant is a great place to experience the flavors of traditional Khmer cuisine, accompanied by delicious soups. Don’t hesitate to visit it on your next visit to Cambodia.

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