Cambodian Desserts
despite the Cambodian diet compose a meal they differ in the way of Western habits , Cambodian consume at breakfast a very real dishes consist unlike a Western that will take him more easily a simple coffee with bread for breakfast .
habits differ notably in the composition of a meal unlike Western he does not compose a meal of a starter , main course , followed by dessert .
However, there are a variety of desserts and sweets Cambodian impressive found mainly in markets and often around the early afternoon until late at night .
Cambodian like to eat sweets and desserts Cambodia without food whether at home or had even primarily outdoors .
These stands often installed around and in the markets of Cambodia as the Central Market in Phnom Penh Cambodia offer different desserts made of different ingredients that can be placed according to our desires in small bowls in which they often add condensed milk , coconut milk, sugar and even crushed ice .
Throughout the day, we will find Cambodian desserts and cakes also often made with rice and different fruits, their cooking method differs depending on the recipe and cooking times that are steamed or even fried .
some Cambodian desserts are consumed mainly during festivals and traditional ceremonies .
Cambodian Desserts Recipes |
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Chakrey Chan in rose water, dessert resemble very strongly ” Nom Chakachan ” and which also realize easily. see here -> |
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cinnamon cookies make with the ingredients of Khmer cuisine is simple and quick to perform . view here -> |