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chinese cabbage in khmer cuisine

Chinese cabbage, known as “sach ko” in Khmer, has an important place in traditional Cambodian cuisine. Its delicate taste and crunchy texture make it a versatile ingredient, appreciated in many Khmer dishes.
In Khmer cuisine, Chinese cabbage is often used in soups and stir-fries. A popular soup called “samlor machu sach ko” showcases the mild flavor of Chinese cabbage, combined with spices and aromatic herbs. This comforting dish is usually prepared with pork or chicken, mushrooms, vegetable broth and traditional Khmer seasonings.
Chinese cabbage is also a key ingredient in Khmer stir fries, bringing crunchy texture and freshness to dishes. In a traditional vegetable stir-fry, Chinese cabbage is often accompanied by other vegetables such as carrots, mushrooms, celery and bamboo shoots. The combination of these fresh vegetables with special Khmer spices creates a deliciously balanced blend of flavors.
Another common way to use Chinese cabbage in Khmer cuisine is to prepare it in salads. Chinese cabbage salad is often served as an accompaniment to other dishes and brings a crunchy texture and a welcome freshness to a meal. It is usually served with a light vinaigrette made from lemon juice, garlic, sugar and fish sauce.
Besides these classic preparations, Chinese cabbage can be used in different ways depending on the creativity of the chef. It can be marinated, fermented, or even used as a filling for Khmer spring rolls, adding a pleasant texture and subtle flavor.
Whether in soups, stir-fries or salads, Chinese cabbage brings a touch of freshness and lightness to Khmer dishes. Its culinary versatility allows it to blend harmoniously with other ingredients, adding an extra dimension to Khmer gastronomy.
As you explore Khmer cuisine, feel free to incorporate Chinese cabbage into your recipes. You will thus discover the delights of a crunchy and tasty vegetable, enriching your dishes with its unique taste qualities. Indulge in the authentic flavors of Cambodian cuisine, where Chinese cabbage plays a vital role in creating delicious meals.



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