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Kành-chhaet culture

Common name: Neptunia vegetable (kành-chhaet)

Description :

Garden Neptunia, also known as kành-chhaet, is a perennial aquatic plant native to Southeast Asia. It is characterized by its large, floating, heart-shaped leaves and sturdy stems. The leaves are usually dark green and can reach a size of up to 30 centimeters in diameter. The flowers are small and white or pale pink in color.

Growth conditions:

Garden Neptunia thrives in warm, humid regions, and prefers tropical to subtropical climates. It requires abundant sunlight, ideally at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. It can be grown in ponds, marshes or shallow basins, where it can be partially submerged.


To plant the Neptunia garden, choose a location with calm or slightly agitated water. Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the root ball of the plant. Place the Garden Neptunia in the hole, making sure the crown of the plant is at or slightly above ground level. Fill the hole with potting soil or compost mixed with garden soil. Make sure the plant is firmly established and water generously to aid establishment.

Interview :

Garden neptunia requires little maintenance once established. Be sure to maintain constant soil moisture by watering regularly, especially during dry periods. You can also fertilize the plant with a nutrient-rich fertilizer suitable for aquatic plants every two to four months. Remove dead or damaged leaves regularly to promote the growth of new healthy leaves.

Harvest :

Garden Neptunia leaves can be harvested when the plant is sufficiently developed. Younger, more tender leaves are best harvested, cutting them near the base. The leaves can be used in salads, soups or stir-fries.

Diseases and pests:

Garden Neptunia is generally disease and pest resistant. However, it can be susceptible to attacks by slugs and snails. To prevent these problems, keep the garden clean and remove plant debris that could attract these pests. If necessary, use biological control methods or appropriate repellents.


Neptunia vegetable can be propagated by sowing or by dividing the rhizomes. For propagation by seed, collect mature seeds and place them in a container of warm water for 24 hours to promote germination. Then sow the seeds in pots or trays filled with moist potting soil. Keep the substrate constantly moist and place the containers in a warm, sunny place. Seedlings will usually emerge in 1-2 weeks. When they reach a sufficient size, transplant them into individual pots or suitable growing areas.

Rhizome division is another common propagation method for Garden Neptunia. Carefully dig around the parent plant to expose the rhizomes. Separate the rhizomes into smaller sections, making sure each section has at least one bud or eye. Replant the rhizome sections in new locations, following the same planting instructions as for a mature plant.

Additional tips:

  1. When choosing a location for the Garden Neptunia, make sure there is enough space for the plant to spread, as it tends to spread horizontally as it grows.
  2. If you are growing Garden Neptunia in a pond or basin, be sure to protect it from herbivores, such as fish or ducks, which may damage the leaves.
  3. To maintain healthy garden neptunia growth, regularly watch for signs of disease or pests, such as leaf spotting or insect damage. React quickly by applying the appropriate treatments to minimize damage.

With this information, you now have the basics you need to successfully grow Neptunia vegetable (kành-chhaet) on your website. Take advantage of this unique aquatic plant and revel in its tasty and nutritious leaves in your culinary preparations!


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