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សៀវហួរ ប៊ូហ្វេ គ្រឿងសមុទ្រ Battambang

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សៀវហួរ ប៊ូហ្វេ គ្រឿងសមុទ្រ family restaurant is a must-visit place for lovers of shellfish, soups and grills in Battambang, Cambodia. This family restaurant is located in the heart of the city and offers authentic Cambodian cuisine with fresh, local ingredients.

The specialty of this restaurant is shellfish, prepared in different ways to satisfy all tastes. Customers can enjoy steamed crabs, grilled prawns and sautéed mussels, served with rice and vegetables. Shellfish are fresh and tasty, and their preparation is simple but effective in bringing out their natural flavor.

Soup is also a signature dish of this restaurant. The shrimp soup is a must, with its fresh shrimp and spicy flavor. Customers can also opt for fish or beef soup, both made with fresh, local ingredients.

Grilled meats are also very popular in this restaurant. Customers can enjoy chicken, pork or beef grilled to perfection, accompanied by fresh vegetables and rice. The grilled meats are tasty and well cooked, with a delicious smoky taste.

Finally, vegetables in Battambang are also honored in this restaurant. Customers can enjoy fresh, local vegetables such as eggplant, zucchini and tomato, served with rice and sauce. The vegetables are fresh and tasty, and their preparation is simple to bring out their natural flavor.

In summary, the family restaurant សៀវហួរ ប៊ូហ្វេ គ្រឿងសមុទ្រ is a must-visit place

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