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Journée Inoubliable à Angkor Wat


An Unforgettable Day at Angkor Wat

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Children, Hello,

Welcome to Cambodia, my native country, a land rich in culture, traditions, flavors and smiles. I invite you to a day full of emotions, a dive into a universe of old stones and legends.

The Angkor site, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1992, covers 402 km2 and is home to a hundred ornate and sculpted temples. These temples are grouped into two circuits: the Small Circuit and the Grand Circuit.

At the heart of this program, I invite you to explore the Little Circuit with passion. We will start our adventure at 8 am from the hotel. With an average temperature of 30°C, don’t forget to bring your hat, sunscreen and good shoes. The site is located just 7 km from the city center. In no time, we will arrive at the majestic South Gate of Angkor Thom. The size of this place will surprise you, within these 9 km2, the Bayon sits proudly. Its towers decorated with smiling and enigmatic faces as well as its finely sculpted bas-reliefs testify to its extraordinary architecture.

Our tour will continue through lush vegetation to the Baphuon, a pyramidal temple that rises skyward. Not far from there, is the Phimeanakas, surrounded by legends telling that a dragon resides there… We will then leave by the terrace of the elephants passing by the old Royal Palace. Nearby, the Leper King remains, faithful to the post. Taking a wooded path, we will reach the charming Palilay, which offers a taste of the famous Ta Prohm. The latter is renowned for its centuries-old tree roots that invade it.

We will make a brief stop at Banteay Kdei before ending this unforgettable day at the unique Angkor Wat. Although it needs no further introduction, know that it remains the largest religious monument still in operation across the world.

This experience also includes transport from your hotel to the temples as well as a cold drink and a towel.

Before an unforgettable Day at Angkor Wat, don’t miss the opportunity to experience the sunrise over the temple of Angkor Wat for an additional $20.

Looking forward to sharing this exceptional adventure with you.

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