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Bunnawath Chhun

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Bunnawath Chhun / B – STUDIO

bunnawath-photography-bunnawath-chhun-cambodia-1Bunnawath Chhun is a self-taught photographer and his passion for photography began when he was a young boy.
every weekend Bunnawath Chhun will visit different parts of Cambodia to take captivating moments landscape, daily life and photos of harts, which always have a hit with users of Cambodia.

Bunnawath Photography won both the Canon Photo Shootout 2011 Photo Marathon 2011 and some other photographic competitions in the world.

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with our pictures we stop and look at the world differently .
they can make us focus on a particular aspect of a subject, look at it from another point of view allows us to see things that we never get to see them otherwise, and also to initiate a series emotional reactions .
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most of the time we see without really looking, we gather impressions and rarely stand to look at or consider.
often we see what we want or what we expect to see rather than what is really out there

contact address :

Bunnawath Chhun , work at i-Qlick (Cambodia) Pte , Ltd (CANON)
as CIA Photography Lecturer, Director Cambodia International Photography and B-studio media service

E-mail Bunnawath Chhun :
Phone Bunnawath Chhun : +855 97 979 7971
Page Facebook Bunnawath Chhun : Chhun



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