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Common name: Pepper “Bird’s Tongue”

Description :

The “Bird’s Tongue” pepper is a variety of pepper very popular for its intense taste and its elongated shape, reminiscent of the shape of a small bird’s tongue. It belongs to the Capsicum annuum family and is appreciated for its pungent and fruity flavor.

Growth conditions:

The “Bird’s Tongue” pepper grows best in warm, sunny climates. It requires an average temperature of around 25 to 30 degrees Celsius for optimal growth. It can be grown in the ground or in a pot, provided you ensure good exposure to the sun.


It is recommended to sow the seeds of the “Bird’s Tongue” pepper indoors, approximately 8 to 10 weeks before the last expected frost. The seeds should be planted about 0.5 to 1 cm deep in a well-drained potting mix and compost. After planting the chili crop, keep the soil moist but not soggy.

Interview :

The “Bird’s Tongue” pepper requires regular watering to keep the soil slightly moist. Be careful not to overwater the chili crop to avoid root rot problems. Applying organic mulch around plants can help conserve moisture and reduce weeds. You can also use a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth.

Harvest :

Bird’s Tongue pepper fruits are ready to harvest when they reach full color, usually about 70 to 90 days after planting your pepper crop. You can pick them as you need them or wait until they are fully ripe. Use clean scissors to cut the fruit from the plant, being careful not to damage any other parts.

Diseases and pests:

Bird’s Tongue peppers are generally disease resistant, but they can be subject to attack by aphids, spider mites or caterpillars. Monitor your plants regularly and act quickly using organic methods or mild insecticides if necessary.


You can multiply “Bird’s Tongue” peppers by sowing. Collect seeds from ripe fruits and let them dry for a few days. Then you can sow them as previously described in the planting section.

Additional tips:

To obtain spicier fruits, you can slightly stress the plants by reducing watering a few weeks before harvest. Also, remember that “Bird’s Tongue” peppers can be very hot, so handle them with care wearing gloves when harvesting and handling. You can use these peppers in a variety of dishes, such as sauces, marinades, or to add a spicy kick to your favorite dishes.

By following these chili growing tips, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of flavorful and pungent “Bird’s Tongue” chilies. Have fun experimenting with this unique variety and add a touch of spice to your garden and your meals!

Do not hesitate to consult other specialized resources to obtain more detailed information on the cultivation of the “Bird’s Tongue” pepper and to share your own tips with other gardening enthusiasts. Good culture and good appetite!


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