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Prawn skewers with papaya sauce

Prawn skewers with papaya sauce

Prawn Skewers with Papaya Sauce

Welcome to the exquisite world of Cambodian gastronomy, where each dish is a culinary adventure that transports you to the heart of Southeast Asia. Today, we invite you to savor an exceptional creation: Prawn Skewers with Papaya Sauce.

Cambodian cuisine is famous for its subtle balance of sweet, tangy, and spicy flavors, and this recipe is no exception. The prawns, delicately grilled, offer a tender texture and a light note of lemon that awakens the taste buds. The star of this dish is undoubtedly the papaya sauce, a fragrant concoction made from fresh ginger, garlic and pieces of sweet papaya, all enhanced by a squeeze of lemon juice. The result ? A symphony of flavors that evokes the captivating scents of Cambodia’s bustling markets.

This recipe is a true taste journey to exotic lands, a culinary escapade that transports you beyond borders. These Prawn Skewers with Papaya Sauce are perfect for a special evening with friends or to explore new flavors with family. Feel free to personalize the recipe by adjusting the spices to your taste, because Cambodian cuisine is synonymous with freedom and creativity.

So, prepare yourself for a feast of flavors, a gastronomic adventure that will awaken your senses and take you to the banks of the Mekong. Enjoy every bite, because every dish is a story, every flavor a discovery, and every meal a celebration of Cambodian cuisine.

  • Prep Time15 min
  • Cook Time10 min
  • Total Time25 min
  • number of persons4


Ingredients for the skewers :

  • 4 large prawns
  • Salt
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Papaya sauce
  • Lime slices

Ingredients for the sauce :

  • 2 or 3 green onions
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 half papaya, peeled, seeded and cut into large pieces
  • 1 squeeze of fresh squeezed lime juice
  • Fresh coriander (to taste)
  • Salt and pepper


Preparation of the sauce :


Place all the ingredients (green onions, ginger, garlic, papaya, lemon juice) into the blender container.


Reduce everything into a smooth sauce.


Season the sauce with salt and pepper to taste, and add chopped fresh cilantro for a tropical aroma.


Heat for a few minutes.

Preparation of the Skewers :


Start by preparing 4 skewers with large prawns.


Season them with a pinch of salt and sprinkle them with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.


Place the skewers under the grill or grill for a few minutes until they are nicely browned.


In a small serving bowl, pour the papaya sauce and garnish the dish with lemon slices and the skewers.


Serve the skewers hot with the papaya ginger sauce as a main course or appetizer.

Prawn Skewers with Papaya SauceFélicitations, vous venez de créer un délicieux chef-d’œuvre culinaire avec ces Brochettes de Gambas à la Sauce Papaye. Cette fusion de saveurs exotiques et de textures croquantes va certainement émerveiller vos papilles et ravir vos convives.

La tendresse des gambas grillées et leur légère touche de citron s’harmonise parfaitement avec la sauce à la papaye, créant un équilibre subtil entre le sucré et le piquant.

N’hésitez pas à personnaliser cette recette en ajustant les assaisonnements selon vos préférences. Vous pouvez également explorer d’autres plats d’inspiration tropicale pour donner une touche exotique à votre table.

Que ce soit pour une occasion spéciale ou simplement pour satisfaire vos envies de saveurs cambodgiennes, ces brochettes sont un choix incontournable. Partagez ce festin avec vos proches et laissez-vous emporter dans un voyage gustatif vers les contrées lointaines du Cambodge.
Profitez de ces succulentes brochettes de gambas à la sauce papaye au gingembre pour une expérience gastronomique cambodgienne unique !
Bonne dégustation !

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